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Position Risk
A Player’s Position Risk is the aggregate amount of risk they currently hold in Open Positions.
Available Balance
A Player’s Available Balance is the amount they have available to use in new Orders. It is the cash on hand that is not already tied up in other liability incurring Orders or Positions.
Portfolio Value
A Player’s Portfolio Value is the current real money value of all of their holdings based on Market Prices. Their holdings include Available Balance, Open Positions, and Open Orders.
How do I close my account?
Should you no longer want to use your STX account, you can close your account. This can be done two ways: Close your account in the app. Email customer support. Close your account via the app To close your account on the app, click on the triple bar ...
0 to 100 Pricing
STX shows prices on a 0 to 100 scale. Each market in the STX platform takes the form of a question that results in either a YES or NO. If the answer to the question is YES, contracts for that market will expire worth $100, and if the answer is NO, ...